
Gender and Women's Studies at whiteboard

Gender and Women's Studies class discussion

Would you like to discuss your ideas on the place of women in our society? Do you want to learn about the roles of women in history, religion, law, or the arts? Are you interested in discussing the intertwining histories of sexism, racism, and ableism? Do you want to examine the intersections of gender and sexuality with topics as varied as psychology and archaeology and race studies? Our gender, women's, and sexuality studies minor provides you with these exciting opportunities, which don’t stop on our Evansville campus. The British studies course at Harlaxton includes lectures and seminar discussions on roles of women and other gender-related issues in successive epochs of British and European history. The opportunity for travel and observation of gender and women’s issues, conditions, and opportunities is rich at Harlaxton.

Here are two great reasons to minor in gender, women's, and sexuality studies at the University of Evansville:

  • Expand your program of study - this program provides an outstanding complement to any major, whether in the sciences or the humanities.

  • Explore an interdisciplinary program - the minor includes courses in archaeology, biology, English, foreign languages, history, political science, race and ethnicity studies, psychology, sociology, theatre, and religion.

Why Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies

GWS prepares students for a wide variety of jobs, including social work, business, publishing, law, medicine, public administration, teaching and many other fields because of the focus gender and women's studies has on thinking critically about a wide variety of issues. Gender, women's, and sexuality studies also prepares students by equipping them with strong oral communication and writing skills, as well as critical thinking and research. Studies have been done that reflect the many fields that graduates enter. People minoring in GWS at the University of Evansville have gone on to do a wide variety jobs that in some way utilizes the skills they gained through their minor.